Goals of the organization

Ofek – Back to life Organization

1. Providing emotional and social assistance to patients and their families after a medical crisis.

2. Assisting families after their release from the hospital in return to their normal lives and daily activities.

3. Counseling and guidance to help families and individuals who have undergone a medical disaster find solutions to difficulties and enable them to embark on a new path and lead a lifestyle that’s balanced and independent from the medical crisis they went through.

4. Providing counseling services to patients and their families regarding: family rights and support, medical support, coping with family and siblings, marital counseling, and dealing with the economic side of the crisis.

5. Guidance on entering educational or rehabilitation frameworks in the community.

6. Assistance in placement and/or return to work.

7. Publication of the rights granted to patients and their families.

8. Economic assistance to patients and their families after a medical crisis.

9. Conducting educational training and informative activities about the medical fields the patients go through, enduring many audiences throughout the entire country.

10. Short counseling and guidance, in specific areas of interest for each patient and family member.

11. Creation and accessibility of tools for maintaining the lives of the patients and their families independent of the crisis.

12. Providing information and tools to patients and their families after a medical crisis.

 13. Emotional and social support for parents and “special” siblings. 

 14. Prevention of medical malpractice, preparing and taking injured families to deliver lectures to medical staff throughout the country. Promote legislation to prevent medical malpractice.