Ofek Law - Promoting legislation in the fields of

health and welfare


Operation of a legal clinic – Ofek Law Project

Data and Numbers:

1.Data from the Courts Administration indicates that between 2010 and 2016 a total of 10,694 medical malpractice cases were filed in Israel.
2.Data from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance indicates that between 2005 and 2015 a total of 8,372 claims for medical malpractice were filed against government medical institutions only.
3.According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, between 2005 and 2014 there have been 1,892 cases of medical malpractice, of which 29% resulted in death.

In the years between 2016 and 2005, the Ministry of Health received 3,646 reports on events requiring reporting. This represents an increase of more than 2.5 times the number of reports on special events requiring reporting to the Ministry: from 190 reports in 2005 to 511 in 2016.


In the years 1996-2005, the Ministry of Health received 56,122 reports on special deaths. In 2012-2016, the Ministry of Health received 2,000 reports on events requiring reports and 20,098 reports on special deaths.

In these years, at least 4,977 medical complaints were transferred to the committee for medical professions, (not including 2013, in which medical malpractice arose), and 163 investigation committees were established to examine these complaints.



 Mistakes in diagnosis and medical care that cause damage to patients which occur both in hospitals and community medical institutions are one of the challenges facing health systems around the world.

According to estimates, errors as a result of medical activity are the third leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for the deaths of about 251,000 people per year on average.

The Ofek Association has undertaken the responsibility to help increase safety in hospitals and increase public confidence in order to prevent cases of medical malpractice through providing information and training in hospitals.


 The objectives of the project are:

1. Promoting massive and significant legislation and regulations in the fields of health.

2. Assisting families in managing malpractice claims. The escort will be free of charge. The families will be asked (not obligated) to donate part of the amount that they will receive according to their choice.

3. Assistance to the families of casualties in the establishment of inspection committees by the Ministry of Health.

4. Managing public struggles to create changes in the health system.


In the second stage, we will establish a fund that will financially help needy families who have experienced medical malpractice.

We believe and know that this project will save lives and is of great economic and social importance.
